To work with people and support them in their personal growth requires great sensitivity and
demands all the attention of the practitioner. Some of the highest values in the Pantarei
Approach are about respect of the individual client, creating a safe environment for their
learning and supporting them in their process towards growth and well being.
The following Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Pantarei Approach aims to outline
and define the fundamental professional principals to be upheld by all Pantarei Approach
students, certified practitioners and teachers to ensure those values.
As no ethical document can cover every possible issue of conduct or competence, Pantarei
students and professionals will need to rely on their own evaluation of principles and
assessment of situations, in order to act in accordance with these guidelines and the values that
they reflect: the values of the Pantarei Approach.
The following code and its expressed ethical principals are written for the clients in their
personal processes in the Pantarei Approach but also apply to students, certified practitioners
and teachers alike in any of their teaching/professional interactions.
Pantarei is a personalized somatic bodywork approach that integrates physical touch with
verbal communication between a client and practitioner. Pantarei Bodywork sessions are
intended to help clients get more in touch with themselves, to strengthen their ability to go
through challenges and to increase their overall health and well-being.
The Pantarei Approach assumes that people are born with the innate ability to create changes
in their own lives and uses this ability to empower clients. By using the power of communication
and touch to reach clients on multiple levels (emotional, physical, spiritual etc.), Pantarei
teaches people how to explore their individual talents, passions and gifts in order to achieve
their goals.
In Pantarei Approach Bodywork sessions, clients are guided through their physical sensations
and emotions as they experience them, as well as any thoughts or memories that may be linked
to these physical sensations. Awareness of the client’s body, thoughts, abilities, current
situations and personal goals is key in each Pantarei session.
During a Pantarei Approach Bodywork session, the client will often move through different
positions: sitting, lying on a massage table and will sometimes work in the space by standing or
moving. Clients are recommended to wear comfortable clothes during their sessions and may
choose to keep less or more clothing on according to their comfort level. The first session is
normally between 60–90 minutes and subsequent sessions are typically 60 minutes in total.
The length of the process depends on the chosen aim and subject of the client and is discussed
upfront with the client as well as the session fee.
Each process should help the client to overcome obstacles, to learn different approaches to
chronic conditions, to let emotions be experienced throughout these processes and to gain
better clarity of purpose, interpersonal relationships, vitality and an enhanced experience of life.
This experience of a broader range of sensations and self-connection serves as a door to the
wisdom of each individual person, uncovering what they need in that particular moment and in
reference to their personal goals. The practitioner uses this awareness to empower and
strengthen clients to be themselves and ensure that they are comfortable with their newly
gained access to various sensations.
Pantarei Approach professionals are trained to practice Pantarei Approach Bodywork as a
means to improve overall well being. This approach, like all personal growth work, works well
for some people but not for all. Clients should be aware that while Pantarei helps people tap
into their own strength and abilities, it is not considered a medical therapy, nor can it substitute
for any kind of required treatment.
Pantarei practitioners do not offer medical diagnoses or treatment for physical or psychiatric
conditions and their work neither seeks to replace appropriate professional guidance nor does it
make any healing promises.
Any medication taken by a client prior to or during the process should continue to be taken as
instructed by their physician. Any changes or adjustments to medication of a client or treatment
should be considered only after consultation with their physician.
It is important to consider each client’s needs during assessment and treatment and be aware
that, at times clients do not need to be encouraged to explore areas of sensitivity but rather feel
clear structure and have the ability to contain their feelings. Practitioners assess clients on an
individual basis, taking into account their unique circumstances, systems of support, strengths
or vulnerabilities, and self-management abilities.
If there is any doubt due to the client's health or emotional condition that they will be able to
benefit from a personal process, they should inform their practitioner and consult their medical
advisor for guidance or clarification before starting or continuing a process.
For individuals who suffer from a psychiatric condition (such as schizophrenia, mania, or
psychosis), a process should only be considered if the client’s condition is managed effectively
by medication or medical treatment and when the client’s psychiatric provider finds it beneficial
to have them undergo Pantarei Approach Bodywork and therefore gives their professional
Individuals considering Pantarei Approach, that are in recovery from drug or alcohol
dependency, should first discuss treatment and possible issues or contraindications with
external licensed care providers. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the addiction
and the individual’s recovery progress and should therefore be regulated by medical
professionals. When practitioners wish to specifically work in the field of addictions, they should
undertake additional professional training for that.
It is important that Pantarei Approach Bodywork practitioners know if their clients are suffering
from any medical condition in an acute or infectious stage. Those conditions are contraindicated
to work with in their acute and/or infectious stage (for example: respiratory disorders that are
infectious during the acute phase, including pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, and bronchitis;
diseases such as viral hepatitis, diphtheria, or flu that are infectious during the acute stage).
In order to prevent and control the risk of infection, all practitioners must wash their hands both
prior to and following a session and maintain a hygienic work environment for their clients and
If the client experiences serious changes to any health condition during their one-on-one
process, he or she should notify the practitioner right away and check in with their physicians or
medical support immediately in order to clarify their situation.
The Pantarei Approach works well alongside any other treatment, therapy or course that a
person chooses, to bring them closer to their health and well being. Pantarei practitioners look
forward to and will do their best to work together with other professionals for the best interest
of their client, knowing that often an individual combination of bringing different forces together
will lead to the desired results for the person.
(1) The Client’s Best Interests
1.1 Respecting and Supporting the Client's Individuality and Diversity – the Pantarei Approach
teaches people to tap into their own wisdom and power. As practitioners we believe that any
person has the inherent strength to find their own way to well being and the fulfilment of
their aims. A process should create the best circumstance for the client to embrace and
seek empowerment from their own individuality and diversity. The practitioner is therefore
committed to remaining uninfluenced by any biases or prejudices and does not allow factors
such as a client’s age, race, gender, sexuality or sexual orientation, disability or handicap,
ethnicity, social or economic class, political, cultural, religious beliefs, or lifestyle choices to
have any negative effects on the manner in which they relate to the client.
The practitioner as well is committed to not impose beliefs, prejudices, opinions, or personal
values on the client. Professionals and students of Pantarei strive to enhance and support
the individuality of each client and trust in the client's personal abilities and potential.
1.2 Trusting that the Client Knows What's Best for Them and Working Always in the Client's
Best Interest – Pantarei Approach professionals and students are committed to supporting
the best interests of the client while providing individual learning processes of the Pantarei
Approach. They are respectful of their clients and their clients’ autonomy as individuals and
therefore do not exploit or exert unnecessary influence over them. They are committed to
learn and truly seek out what the wishes of the client are and to support them on their
journey to fulfil them.
1.3 Creating a Safe Learning Environment for the Client – the client's safety and on going
consent is essential for the practice of the Pantarei Approach. The practitioner and student
describe to the client, how the approach of the Pantarei uses touch movement and verbal
communication. This includes explaining the core principles of Pantarei Approach as well as
the possible results, based on the client’s unique circumstances. The practitioner also
informs the client about the limitations of the Approach and estimates if a process is
beneficial for the client or not. The client is a partner to the process and therefore needs to
understand and gives his/her consent to any stage of the work. All decisions to receive and
participate in sessions should be made freely by the client and in order to do that, the
practitioner promises to communicate their actions clearly to the client.
1.3a Informing the Client about the Necessary Practice Information – to be more specific,
the practitioner or student agrees to explain the fees, frequency of sessions, condition of
practice and cancellation policy to a prospective client before/during their first session. It is
highly recommended to give the client the "Client Information and Consent Form" to read
and sign in the course of starting a process. It is advised to have the above-mentioned
information in written form and/or on the practitioner’s business website.
1.4 Use of Touch – touch is used as a way to communicate with the client and serves to create
for the client a clearer experiences of themselves, what he/she wishes to learn, their
qualities and potential. Practitioners and students practice only appropriate, non-intrusive,
non-sexual touch and adhere to strict guidelines prohibiting any touch of genital/intimate
areas. They are committed to ensuring that the client is comfortable by respecting his or her
modesty and dignity. The intensity of the touch is always adapted to the client and the
practitioner will ensure that the client is in agreement with the experience and the
sensations it creates.
1.5 Keeping Confidentiality – in order to further supply the client with the best learning
conditions and allow them the safety of expressing themselves, any information shared by
the client in sessions must be held in strict confidence. Both Pantarei Approach
professionals and students respect and maintain all clients’ confidentiality.
1.5a Client Records – All Pantarei Approach professionals and students are committed to the
secure storage and disposal of any identifiable data or business obtained from clients in
order to ensure their confidentiality. Specific types of data and records may vary but must
comply with local laws, requirements and conditions. Client records and data should be kept
for the period of time that complies with local, regional, or national laws relating to data
protection regulations and the retention of current or former client documents. As stated
above, it is essential that the disposal or destruction of such information be done properly
and securely.
1.5b Client Access to Records – it is the responsibility of the Pantarei Approach professional
or student to seek clarification regarding local laws and determine if a data protection act or
similar legislation applies. If so, clients have the legal right to access information in their own
healthcare records that are kept by professionals. This access also applies to people
appointed on behalf of a client or student and to any person representing a deceased client.
1.5c Identity Protection – a Pantarei Approach professional or student protects the welfare
and anonymity of clients when considering the publication or distribution of clinical material,
including situations in which current or former clients may recognize themselves in case
material, even when specific names and details have been altered to protect their identity.
In such cases, the client’s written consent must always be obtained when his or her welfare
and anonymity may be compromised.
1.5d Exceptions to Confidentiality – clients will be informed of the legal and ethical limits to
confidentiality and the circumstances that justify or necessitate the disclosure of
confidential information by a Pantarei Approach professional or student to a third party. If a
Pantarei Approach professional or student is legally obligated to participate in administrative
or legal proceedings for which confidential information must be disclosed, it is his/her
responsibility to seek legal and ethical guidance regarding the possibility that his/her
commitment to confidentiality with the client could be affected in their respective country of
practice, as needed, based on circumstances.
1.6 Multiple Relationships – Pantarei Approach professionals and students are asked to avoid
creating practitioner-client relationships with people with whom they already have a close
relationship with. When dual relationship roles are unavoidable, the Pantarei Approach
professional or student commits to taking careful responsibility to clarify and manage the
inherent boundaries between roles.
1.6a Personal Interest and Sexual Relationships – Pantarei Approach professionals and
students should not engage in sexualized behavior or a sexual relationship of any kind with
their clients while teaching them in a learning process. In case a personal interest develops
between practitioner and client, the process should be stopped and the client could be
referred to a colleague for the continuation of their process.
1.7 Informed Consent – in order to work with individuals younger than the legal age of consent
where he or she lives, the written consent of the legal guardian is required. Pantarei
Approach professionals and students must seek legal advice in their local community or
country concerning all laws regarding working with minors, or anyone who is considered to
have reduced or limited capacity and therefore requires informed consent.
(2) Professional Conduct of Pantarei Professionals and Students
2.1 Maintaining High Standards – each Pantarei Approach professional or student recognizes
that his or her conduct may positively or negatively influence how he or she is perceived
and experienced by a client and therefore strives to maintain consistently high standards of
appropriate professional and personal behavior.
2.2 Professional Knowledge and Training Status – any Pantarei practitioner or student must
commit themselves to present clearly and truthfully their professional qualifications and
status and to work accordingly.
2.3 Accepting or Refusing Prospective Bodywork Clients or Students – It is important for each
Pantarei Approach professional and student to identify when they do not feel able to accept
a prospective bodywork client. When a Pantarei professional or student is aware of
obstacles or issues that would preclude or hinder an appropriate professional therapeutic
relationship, it is the responsibility of the Pantarei professional or student to decline to work
with the client. A practitioner, teacher, or student may therefore accept or refuse a
prospective client depending on the situation.
2.3a Acknowledging the Limits of their Personal Practice – Pantarei practitioners and
students complies with the limits of the Pantarei Approach as described in this document.
They also acknowledge the limits of their own professional skills and competences, as well
as their own health, well being and self esteem. The practitioner or student will refer clients
to colleagues or other professionals when this is appropriate and necessary.
2.3b Pantarei Approach Consultation – Pantarei Approach professionals and students are
free to seek the assistance of a qualified Pantarei Approach teacher through case
consultation or individual or group supervision.
2.3c General External Consultation – Pantarei Approach professionals and students may
work with outside professionals through consultation and supervision to support and/or
supplement their own practice with clients. Licensed physicians, physical therapists, clinical
ethicists, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, or any other specialists with
training, knowledge, professional experience, or skills relevant to the Pantarei Approach
professional may be of service.
2.3d Specific External Consultation for Clients – Pantarei Approach professionals and
students may consult with outside specialists such as licensed professionals in the
psychological, psychiatric, or medical fields, who also work with the client. To adhere to
appropriate guidelines on responsible and professional conduct and protecting the client’s
confidentiality, the client’s written consent must be obtained prior to the consultation.
2.4 Self-Responsibility – if the Pantarei Approach professional or student is unable to work with
clients due to issues of physical or mental health or impairment by the effects of drugs,
alcohol, or medication, it is his or her responsibility to refrain from working with clients under
such conditions. Pantarei Approach professionals and students agree to refer current clients
to professional colleagues in good faith when needed, in order to allow the clients to
continue with Pantarei Approach or other modalities.
2.5 Insurance Coverage – Pantarei Approach professionals and students are responsible for
ensuring that their professional bodywork practice is sufficiently covered by appropriate
indemnity or liability insurance or by their employer’s insurance arrangements.
(3) Responsibilities to Colleagues and the Professional Practice of Pantarei
3.1 Collaboration – Pantarei Approach professionals and students agree to work cooperatively
with other Pantarei Approach community members and allied healthcare professionals.
3.2 Present a Positive Outlook – the Pantarei Approach professional or student helps prevent
the spread of misunderstanding or dissension within the Pantarei community, by maintaining
a positive attitude and point of view when interacting with clients, students and colleagues.
3.3 No Solicitation of other Pantarei Professionals’ Clients – Pantarei professionals or students
do not deliberately try to persuade other Pantarei clients to become their own clients.
3.4 Conflict Resolution – in the event of a dispute or conflict between Pantarei Approach
professionals or students, whether in a training environment, a professional context, or a
therapeutic relationship, resolution should be sought first within the community or school. If
the conflict remains unresolved after all local and reasonable options have been explored,
Pantarei Approach staff may offer further assistance including but not limited to legal
3.5 Stay Informed – because the Pantarei Approach is practiced worldwide, each professional
and student is responsible for staying informed and understanding the local laws and
statutory requirements that apply to their own bodywork practice.
3.6 Preventing Harmful Practices – no Pantarei Approach professional or student will permit,
participate in, or contribute to any practice harmful to clients.
3.7 Integrity in Marketing – the Pantarei Approach professional or student assures that all
advertising or promotional materials, including websites, business cards, and printed ads,
are valid and truthful and are not exaggerated, misleading, or false.
Pantarei Approach professionals and students are not permitted to make false claims or
unjustifiable statements about Pantarei Approach, themselves, or other Pantarei Approach
professionals or students, nor should they suggest that Pantarei Approach treats medical or
psychological illnesses or conditions. Testimonials from clients will not be used by
professionals or students in any advertising material where it is prohibited by local laws.
3.8 Avoid Negative Comparisons – the Pantarei Approach professional or student agrees not to
proclaim that this approach is superior to any other specific bodywork methodology. He or
she also agrees not to imply or state that his or her skills and abilities are superior to those
of any other Pantarei Approach professional or student.
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